Na društvenim mrežama postale su viralne slike divljih svinja u Berlinu koje su u potrazi za hranom došle na nudističku plažu

Iskustvo jednog nudiste iz Berlina pokazalo je da moramo biti pažljivi kada nosimo laptop na nudističku plažu, jer ne znamo kakva nas sve iznenađenja i opasnosti vrebaju.

Divlja svinja sa dva mladunčeta ukrala je plastičnu kesu u kojoj se nalazio laptop. Nudista je počeo da juri divlju svinju dok je oko njih u tom trenutku bilo oko 20 osoba.

Na fotografijama koje su se pojavile na društvenim mrežama vidi se go muškarac srednjih godina kako juri za divljom svinjom koja nosi njegovu kesu i njena dva mladunca.

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Yesterday at the lake in Berlin I saw a real hero. A female wild boar with two babies came out of the forest in order to search for food. In Berlin we are free people - we love to bathe in the sun and lake like we are born. So, there were many people laying on their towels completely naked. Many of us were scared but the wild boars seemed to be peaceful. After they ate a pizza from a backpack of a man who was taking a swim in the lake they were looking for a dessert. They found this yellow bag and decided to take it away. But the man who owned it realized it was the bag with his laptop. So, he was very focused and run behind the boars in order to get it back. Everyone of us adored him how focused he stayed and when he came back with his yellow bag in the hand we all clapped and congratulated him for his success. This happens when you’re focused on your goals. xoxoxo Adele . . . #hero #wildboar #berlin #coaching #onlinecourse #digitalcoaching #workshop #businesscoaching #lifecoachingtips #erfolgreichwerden #ausstrahlung #charisma #selbstwert #bewusstsein #kommunikation #selbstbewusstsein #veränderung #gespräch #dialog #selbstverwirklichung #powerfulthoughts #führung #radiance #weiterbildung #zieleereeichen #inspiration #präsentationstraining #publicspeaking #körpersprache #bodylanguage

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